Always Searching For Inspiration

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mascara: Top Three

  It's been awhile since my last post and the 10 some odd pounds of turkey has successfully passed through my digestive system. I'm now rested and ready to shout to the rooftops the best mascara I've ever tried. Cause it's just so great. There are only two important aspects of a mascara that matter: The brush applicator and the formula. I have tried many brands, styles and colours, these are my top three:

Loreal Double Extend: Beauty Tubes

  Now I don't know about "beauty" but this sure makes your lashes look fake (they shoulda named this "falsies" but I guess it was taken), the only trick is that to remove the stuff, you need warm water and your fingers to GENTLY pull off the mascara (plus makeup remover), cause it forms fibrous "tubes" around the lashes not unlike Clinique's Lash Power mascara. apply the white primer, wait 20-30 seconds and apply, and layer and layer and layer (it's amazing) as much as you want and you have glamorous lashes which will make you look fresh and youthful. The best I've tried by far, and beauty editors agree, it's even printed on the packaging. hehe.

The next Covetable  mascara is:  Loreal Double Extend: with Lash Boosting Serum

  Basically, it's the same thing as it's predecessor, but instead of forming tubes that need to be "pulled" off, all you need is makeup remover (explained in the previous article) and your done at night. The effects are about as dramatic as the original double extend and definitely better than any other drug store brand, plus the lash boosting serum claims to strengthen those suckers. I'm indifferent on whether it does or not, but nevertheless, a great product.

And Ol' Reliable and fave of all time: Loreal Voluminous

This mascara has seen me through many a year. it's simple, layer-able and conditioning. it's the cheapest of the three and one of the best selling mascaras on the market. Nuff said. Now let me tell you about my choices:

 Did you notice one thing in common with all these great lash-swaddling  products? yes, they're all made by Loreal. I've been a fan of Rimmel, Maybeline (great lash), Covergirl (lash blast), Revlon and Clinique to name a few and these have beat out any of the competitors for my hard-earned money. This is also a personal fave cosmetic of mine because I love glamorous lashes and I think they make everyone look fresh and gorgeous.

Top Three Tips for mascara:

Opt for black, it looks better, frames your peeps the best and is versatile.

limit the amount of times you put your wand/brush in and out of the mascara tube, the more you do, the more air you'll generate in the tube = the faster you're mascara will dry out. 

always start with the brush in a short, side to side motion from the base of lashes then pull up and out near the ends, they'll look more natural. 

Till next time. 
