Always Searching For Inspiration

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Some Crazy Things I've Done Involving Makeup... and Toothpaste. Happy Late Halloween Everyone!

 Halloween feels like it's long over, but Christmas feels like it's just around the corner.
Let's take a minute to look back on some things I've tried with or without the "I'm just dressing up for Halloween" excuse.

Halloween 2010

Some photos of makeup I did this year:

Self tanner and makeup al la me. To transform my cousin from gorgeous to waaay over the top sexy for her J-woww from Jersey shore impression.

And then there was me.

As DJ Pauly D.
I was minus some socks in the pants at this point but you get the idea.

Now for my 8 year old sisters "evil" queen makeup.

No use in trying to make this girl look evil, but I did my best by arching her brow, adding some heavy cat eyeliner and a dark neutral lip (courtesy of Revlon Just Bitten) ( lasted her whole school day too).

Halloweens Past

Back when I was 17, I equaled my little sisters ability to portray Edward scissor hands and some botched brawl makeup to create this number.

I then put her through a little more unneccesary pain to create these pictures of the joker two Halloweens ago.

All it took was some year-old face paint from the dollar store, the cotton pulled off of q-tips and toothpaste to make the mouth all adhere together.

Turns out I love makeup so much that when I'm dying of sheer boredom, I leave my Vanity Fair behind and pick up the facial wax and bronzer instead.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

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