Always Searching For Inspiration

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hey Hey Hey 'tis the season to make your lashes look crazy. (In a good way)

Whatever mascara you use, whatever eyeliner you put on, THE most important thing is how you take it all off. Now, I'm pretty broke, so I'm not about buying all the makeup removers on the market, but what I've tried so far is Clinique and Loreal's gentle eye makeup remover ( The most important aspect of a store bought eye makeup remover is that it's OIL FREE because the oil used in some removers is mineral oil and ain't good for the skin in any way).
Just blot some of the liquid on a cotton pad and smother it on your eyes (before you wash your face at night) and most everything comes off. It's great. Removing your eye makeup is EXTREMELY important for eye+lash health and regeneration, so once you have that down (and any residual makeup/remover is gently wiped off of your lash line (q-tips work the best for that), you can dream your way to stronger, thicker lashes every night.
Olive oil is the best alternative for remover, just make sure you wipe it all off before you start cleansing your face or you could develop a clogged pore or two (same goes for the vaseline which is your third best option)

Ps. It ACTUALLY works.

Pps. Your welcome

Ppps. all of the CAPS. words were for a reason.

Love and Peace

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